Wednesday 10 February 2021

Sunga Dynasty and Kanva Dynasty

 Sunga Dynasty and  Kanva Dynasty 

स्रोत :
* मत्स्य पुराण
* वायु पुराण
* ब्रह्मांड पुराण
* पतंजलि लिखित महाभाष्य
* गार्गी संहिता
* कालिदास रचित मालविकाग्निमित्र
* अयोध्या का लेख
* बेसनगर का लेख
* भरहुत का लेख
* शुंगकाल की मुद्राएं

                        शुंग वंश- 184-75 BC

पुष्यमित शुंग मगध का शासक 184 ई0 पू0 तत्कालीन मौर्य सम्राट वृहद्रथ की हत्या कर बैठा ।
* पुष्यमित्र शुंग ब्राह्मण था
वाणभट्ट रचित हर्षचरित में पुष्यमित्र शुंग को "अनार्य " कहा गया है ।
पतंजलि पुष्यमित्र शुंग के पुरोहित थे ।
पुष्यमित्र शुंग ने 36 वर्षों ( 184-148ई0 पू0) तक शासन किया ।
*  पुष्यमित्र शुंग ने इंडो-यूनानी शासक मिनांडर को पराजित किया था ।
*  भरहुत स्तूप का निर्माण पुष्यमित्र शुंग ने किया था ।
 जनरल कनिंघम ने सर्वप्रथम भरहुत स्तूप का पता लगाया।
पुष्यमित्र शुंग का उत्तराधिकारी अग्निमित्र शुंग हुआ , इसने 8 वर्षों तक शासन किया ।
कालिदास ने अग्निमित्र और मालविका की प्रेमकहानी को अपने नाटक " मालविकाग्निमित्र" में लिखितबद्व किया था ।
*  शुंग वंश के 9वें शासक भागभद्र( भागवत) के शासनकाल में 14वें वर्ष तक्षशिला के यवन शासक "एंटीयालकीट्स" के राजदूत " हेलियोडोरस" ने विदिशा में वासुदेव के सम्मान में गरुड़ ध्वज स्तम्भ स्थापित कराया था जिसकी खोज जनरल कनिंघम ने 1877 ई0 में किया ।
*  पुराणों के अनुसार शुंग वंश का दसवां और अंतिम राजा देवभूति था जिसकी हत्या वासुदेव ने 75 ई0 पू0 कर दिया  और कण्व वंश की स्थापना की ।
मनुस्मृति की रचना शुंग काल में ही हुई ।
*  पाटलिपुत्र , कौशाम्बी, वैशाली , हस्तिनापुर , वाराणसी , तक्षशिला व्यापारिक केंद्र थे ।
* भृगकच्छ, ताम्रलिप्ति पर्नुख व्यापारिक बन्दरगाह थे ।
*  तांबे के सिक्के को " कार्षापण " , चांदी के सिक्के को " पुराण"/ धारण " कहा जाता था ।
*  शुंग काल में ब्राह्मण/ भागवत धर्म का उदय हुआ  तथा वासुदेव-विष्णु की उपासना प्राम्भ हुई ।
संस्कृत  शुंग काल की  राजकीय भाषा थी ।

                 कण्व वंश (75-30ई0पू0)
कण्व वंश का संस्थापक वासुदेव था जिसने शुंग वंश के शासक देवभूति की हत्या 75 ई0 पू कर दी थी ।
*  कण्व वंश  के शासक भी ब्राह्मण था ।
वासुदेव ने कुल 9 वर्ष , भूमिमित्र 14 वर्ष , नारायण - 12 वर्ष और सुशर्मा -10 वर्षों तक शासन किया ।
कण्व वंश के शासकों ने 75 ई0 पू0 से 30 ई0 पू0 तक शासन किया ।
30 ई0 पू0 सिमुक ने कण्व वंश के अंतिम शासक सुशर्मा की हत्या कर सातवाहन वंश की नीवं डाली ।

* Matsya Purana
* Vayu Purana
* Brahmanda Purana
* Patanjali written Mahabhashya
* Gargi Code
* Malvikagnimitra composed by Kalidas
* Ayodhya article
* Basnagar article
* Bharhut's article
* Shungkal currencies

Sunga Dynasty - 184–75 BC
* The ruler of Pushyamit Sunga Magadha was killed by the then Mauryan emperor Vrhadrath in 184 BC.
* Pushyamitra was a Sunga Brahmin
* Pushyamitra Sunga has been called "non-Aryan" in the Harshacharitha composed by Vamabhatta.
* Patanjali was the priest of Pushyamitra Sunga.
Pushyamitra Sunga ruled for 36 years (184-148 BC).
* Indo-Greek ruler Minandar was defeated by Pushyamitra Sunga.
* Bharhut Stupa was built by Pushyamitra Sunga.
* General Cunningham first discovered the Bharhut Stupa.
Pushyamitra Sung was succeeded by Agnimitra Sunga, who ruled for 8 years.
Kalidasa wrote Agnimitra and Malavika's love story in his play "Malavikagnimitra".
* The 14th year in the reign of Bhagabhadra (Bhagavata), the 9th ruler of the Sunga dynasty, Ambassador of the Yavana ruler "Antialkeetas" of Taxila, installed the Garuda flag in Vidisha in honor of Vasudeva, which was discovered by General Cunningham in 1877 AD.
According to the Puranas, the tenth and last king of the Sunga dynasty was Devabhuti, who was assassinated by Vasudeva in 75 BC and founded the Kanva dynasty.
* Manusmriti was composed only during the Sunga period.
* Pataliputra, Kaushambi, Vaishali, Hastinapur, Varanasi, Taxila were trade centers.
* Bhrigkach, Tamralipti was a commercial harbor.
* The copper coin was called "Karshapana", the silver coin was called "Purana" / Dharana ".
* The Brahmin / Bhagavata religion emerged during the Sunga period and the worship of Vasudeva-Vishnu began.
* Sanskrit was the official language of the Sunga period.

                 Kanva Dynasty (75-30 BC)
* The founder of Kanva dynasty was Vasudeva who killed the ruler of the Sunga dynasty, Devabhuti, in 75 BC.
* The ruler of Kanva dynasty was also a Brahmin.
* Vasudeva ruled for a total of 9 years, Bhoomimitra for 14 years, Narayana - 12 years and Susharma - 10 years.
* The rulers of Kanva dynasty ruled from 75 BC to 30 BC.
* 30 BC Simuk killed the last ruler of Kanva dynasty, Susarma, and founded the Satavahana dynasty.

Sunga Dynasty and  Kanva Dynasty 

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