Saturday 11 December 2021

Competency Based Lesson /Unit Plan- Socialism in Europe and The Russian Revolution

JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA,  .............................


Competency-based learning or Competency based Education (CBE) is an outcome‐based approach to education to ensure proficiency in learning by students through demonstration of the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes required for dealing with real life situations at the age and grade appropriate level. 
Let see how prepare The Competency Based Lesson Plan for Class 9 Social Science - History
1. Name of Teacher:- ………………..

2. Designation:-

3. Subject:History  Class:-IX    Section:- A&B

4. Lesson/Unit Name:- Socialism in Europe and The Russian Revolution

5. No.of Periods Required:-7               Duration:-………

A. Learning Outcomes(Specific to the lesson mapped with NCERT learning outcomes ):

1. Explain the liberal,radical and conservative political tendencies.

2.  Explore the history of socialism through the study of Russian revolution.

3.  Familiarize with the different types of ideas that inspired the revolution.

4. Explore the causes different events of revolution.

5.  Appreciate the efforts made by Russian in moderning their empire by ending the old regime.

6.  Highlights the legacy of Russian revolution.

B. Details of Pedagogical Strategies/Process (Art integrated/Sports integrated/Story telling

based/Toy based /Any other Pedagogy) :

* Interactive story telling method on exploitation of labours. Explain the major events of Russian revolution.

* Time line depicting the major events of the Russian Revolution .

* Showing picture of Karl Marx, Stalin and Tsar asking thought provoking question .

* Discuss the causes of Russian revolution.

* Discuss the important of Russian Revolution.

C. Topic of the lesson for presentation by the students (once in a week by rearranging

classroom setting suitable for group work) :

* Divide the class in two groups.One group will discuss on February revolution and another group will discuss on revolution of October.Then each group will explain the importance of both events in Russian revolution.

* Show the major events of the Russian Revolution chronologically.

D. Name 21st Century Skills to be developed:

Effective Communication skill.

Creativity skill.

Learning skill.


Media literacy .

E. Activities/Experiments/Hands-on- learning/Project :

Show the following places an outline map of World.

i) Central powers country- Germany, Austria and Turkey

ii) Allied powers country – France , Britain, Russia

iii) Prepare a concept map of the causes of different events of Russian revolution.

F. Interdisciplinary linkage and infusion of Life Skills, Values, Gender Sensitivity and

Environmental Awareness:

* Children will learn to appreciate the sacrifice of Russians

* Curiosity know more information about Russian Revolution.

* Proud and support to the struggle of labor unions.

* Take Inspiration from Russian revolution.

G. Resources(includes ICT):




H. Assessment items for measuring the attainment of learning outcomes in the class and as Home assignments(Teacher should plan Assessment Items and link the same with learning outcomes mentioned in Para A):


No Of Items

SI.No.of LO

Oral Quiz


1 to 6




Multiple Choice Questions


1 to 6

Very Short Answer Questions


1 to 5

Short Answer Questions


1 to 5

Long Answer Questions


2,  4 & 5

Compentancy based Questions





1 to 6




Group Project


1 to 6

Individual Project



Any other Item



Note: The teacher will keep the records of all assessment items.

I. Remedial Teaching Plans/Plan for unfinished portion of previous unit:

i) Practice of important Concepts and Movements.

ii) Map work Practice.

J. Inclusive Practices (Activities/Support measures for differently abled students):  N/A

Date: 11/07/2021

(Signature of the Teacher)

Remarks of the Principal/Vice Principal


(Signature of the Principal/ Vice Principal)

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