Ncert Notes & Solutions for class 9 Social Science in Hindi
History- India and The Contemporary World (भारत एवं समकालीन विश्व )
1. Chapter-1 The French Revolution (फ़्रांसीसी क्रान्ति )
2.Chapter -2 Socialism in Europe and The Russian Revolution (यूरोप में समाजवाद एवं रूसी क्रान्ति )
3. Chapter-3 Nazism and The Rise of Hitler (नात्सीवाद और हिटलर का उदय )
Geography - Contemporary India (समकालीन भारत )
1. Chapter 1-India - Size and Location
2. Chapter 2-Physical Features of India
5. Chapter 5-Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
Civics : Democratic Politics -1 (लोकतांत्रिक राजनीति )
1. Chapter 1 - Democracy in the Contemporary World
2. Chapter 2 - What is Democracy? Why Democracy?
3. Chapter 3 - Constitutional Design
4. chapter 4 - Electoral Politics
5. Chapter 5 - Working of Institutions
6. Chapter 6 - Democratic Rights
Economics: Understanding Economic Development -1(आर्थिक विकास की समझ )
1. Chapter 1- The Story of Village Palampur
2. Chapter 2 - People as Resource