Vijayanagar Empire :Class 12 MCQ & Case Study Questions
Vijayanagar Empire
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Who established Vijayangar Empire?
a. Harihar & Bukka
b. Krishandev Roy
c. Vir Narsingh Tuluv
d. Narsingh Saluv
Ans: A
2. Vijayanagar Empire was established in ..?
a. 1347
b. 1336
c. 1348
d. 1565
Ans: B
3. Who was the Delhi Sultan at the time of establishment of Vijayanagar Empire?
a. Alauddin Khilji
b. Muhammad Bin Tughluq
c. Firoj Shah Tughluq
d. Iltutmis
Ans: B.
4. who established Sangam Dynasty?
a. Harihar & Bukka
b. Krishandev Roy
c. Vir Narsingh Tuluv
d. Narsingh Saluv
Ans: A
5. Who established Bahmani Empire?
a. Illtutmis
b. Bahmani shah
c. Firoz Shah
d. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq
Ans: B
6. The Persian ambassador who visited Vijayanagar Empire in 1443 was…?
a.Marco Polo
b. Abdul Razzak
c. Barbosa
d. Nikol Konti
Ans: B
7. ‘A Forgotten Empire’, written by the renowned historian Robert Sewell is about which one of the following Empires?
(A) Mauryan Empire
(B) Kushan Empire
(C) Mugal Empire
(D) Vijayanagar Empire
Ans: D
8. The Kingdom of Vijayanagar was founded by
(A) Bukka II
(B) Harihar and Bukka
(C) Harihar II
(D) Vijaya Raja
Ans: B
9. The first dynasty of the Vijayanagar kingdom was
(A) Hoyasala
(B) Saluva
(C) Tuluva
(D) Sangama
Ans: D
10. When Babur invaded India who was the ruler of Vijayanagara empire in South India?
(A) Krishnadeva Raya
(B) Sadashiva Raya
(C) Devaraya II
(D) Saluva Narasimha
Ans: A
11. The Bahmanis of the Deccan rose to prominence in which of the following centuries?
(A) 13th century
(B) 14th century
(C) 15th century
(D) 12th century
Ans: B
12. The Nayakas in the Vijayanagar empire were
(A) Priests of large and powerful temples
(B) Cavalry soldiers
(C) Military chief controlling particular territories
(D) Central Ministers
Ans: C
13. Which traveller called the ‘Mahanavami Dibba’ as the ‘House of Victory’?
(a) Duarte Barbosa
(b) Fernao Nuniz
(c) Domingo Paes
(d) Abdur Razzaq
Ans: C
14. On which of the following occasions was the ceremony performed at Mahanavami Dibba?
(a) Worship of the state horse
(b) Marriage of the king
(c) Victory over the enemy
(d) All of the above
Ans: A
15. Another name of Vijayanagara city was
(a) Fatehpur Sikri
(b) Hampi
(c) Hastinapur
(d) Nagalparam
Ans: B
16. The first dynasty that ruled over Vijayanagara Empire was
(a) Suluva dynasty
(b) Sangarna dynasty
(c) Tuluva dynasty
(d) Aravidu dynasty
Ans: B
17. Local Goddess of Vijayanagara was
(a) Parvati
(b) Durga
(c) Pampadevi
(d) Laxmi
Ans: C
18. Krishnadeva Raya belonged to which dynasty?
(a) Sangam
(b) Tuluva
(c) Saluvas
(d) Aravidu
Ans: B
19. Which ruler composed the work Amuktamalyada?
(a) Krishnadeva Raya
(b) Sultan of Bijapur
(c) Rama Raya
(d) Harihara
Ans: A
20. Which of the following statements is correct regarding Mahanavami Dibba?
(a) It was a high platform with slots for wooden pillars at a dose and regular intervals.
(b) It was a massive platform located on one of the highest points in the city.
(c) It was a place where the king met his advisers.
(d) All of the above
Ans: A
21. Which of these rivers was the major source of water for Vijayanagara
(a) Kaveri
(b) Krishna
(c) Tungabhadra
(d) Mahanadi
Ans: C
22. When was Hampi declared as of the place of national importance?
(a) 1976
(b) 1980
(c) 1982
(d) 1986
Ans: A
23. The battle of Talikota was fought between organisation of Deccan sultans and … ?
(a) Krishna Eleva Raya
(b) Rueca Raya
(c) Sadashiva Raya
(d Rama Raya
Ans: C
24. Choose the correct option:
Which of the following dynasties ruled Vijayanagara?
(a) Sangam dynasty
(b) Saluva dynasty
(c) Tuluva dynasty
(d) All of these
Ans: D
25. Find out which one of the following is not correctly matched:
(a) Amara-Nayaka System – Vijayanagara Empire
(b) Harihara and Bukka – Founded Vijayanagara
(e) Mahanavami Dibba – King’s palace
(d) Hazara Rama Temple – New Delhi
Ans: D
26. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the Amara-nayaka system?
(a) The Amara-nayakas were traders.
(b) Main features of this system were derived from the mansabdari system.
(c) Kings had no control over the Amara- nayakas.
(d) The Amara-nayakas were military commanders who were given territories to govern by the Raya.
Ans: D
27. Consider the following statements regarding the Virupaksha temple.
(i) The hall in front of the main shrine was built by Krishnadeva Raya to mark his accession.
(ii) It has a unique shrine designed as a chariot.
(iii) The principal deity of this temple was generally worshipped in Maharashtra.
(a) only ‘i’
(b) ‘i’ and ‘iii’
(c) ‘ii’ and ‘iii’
(d) All of these
Ans: A
28. The ruins of Vijayanagara (Hampi) were brought to public light in the year 1800 by the following British surveyor and engineer:
(a) James Prinsep
(b) Colin Mackenzie
(c) James Rennell
(d) Charles Metcalfe
Ans: B
29. Which of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched?
State – Ruler
(a) Devgiri – Shankar Dev
(b) warangal – Ramchandra Dev
(c) Hoysal – Veer Ballal
(d) Madura – Veer Pandya
Ans: B
30. The class of Amar Nayakas in Vijayanagara is a reference to which of the following? [CDS 2018]
(a) Village Chieftains
(b) Senior Civil Servants
(c) Tributary Chiefs
(d) Military Commanders
Ans: D
31. Name the platform used for ritual purposes by the kings of the Vijayanagara Empire [CDS 2018]
(a) Mahanavami Dibba
(b) Lotus Mahal
(c) Hazara Rama
(d) Virupaksha
Ans: A
32. ‘Ashtadiggajas’ were patronised by
(a) Deva Raya!
(b) Deva Raya II
(c) Vira Narasimha
(d) Krishna Deva Raya
Ans: D
33. Identify the image .
(b) HAzar Ram temple
(c) Vitthaal Swami Temple
(d) Virupaksh Temple
Ans: A
34. Identify the Image
b. Pampa Devi Temple
c. Jagannath Temple
d. Gopuram
Ans: D
a. Colin Mackenzie
b. Alexander Connigham
c. Sir John Marshell
d. Domingo Paes
Ans: A
a. Colin Mackenzie
b. Alexander Connigham
c. Sir John Marshell
d. Domingo Paes
Ans: A
37. Who was kudirai chettis ?
a. Arabi Traders
b. Horse Traders
c. Local Communities Merchants
d. None of the above
Ans: C
Case Study Questions
Study the following excerpt
carefully and answer the questions that follow
King and traders Krishnadeva Raya
(ruled 1509 –29), the most famous ruler of Vijayanagara, composed a work on statecraft
in Telugu known as the Amuktamalyada.
About traders he wrote :
A king should improve the harbours of his country and so encourage its commerce that horses, elephants, precious gems, sandalwood, pearls and other articles are freely imported ... He should arrange that the foreign sailors who land in his country on account of storms, illness and exhaustion are looked after in a suitable manner ... Make the merchants of distant foreign countries who import elephants and good horses be attached to yourself by providing them with daily audience, presents and allowing decent profits.Then those articles will never go to your enemies.
(1) How did the king show interest in encouraging trade ?
a. King should not take interest in encouraging trade.
b. King should only take interest to buy weapons.
c. A King should improve the harbours of his country and so encourage its commerce.
d. None of the above
Ans: C
(2) Why did the king want to provide services to the foreign traders ?
a. A suitable manner with foreign traders
b. Providing them with daily audience, presents and allowing decent profits.
c. Keeping good manners those articles will never go to your enemies.
d. All of The above
Ans: D
(3) "
a. Tamil
b. Sanskrit
c. Hindi
d. Telgu
Case Study Questions
Born in 1754, Colin Mackenzie became famous as an engineer, surveyor and cartographer. In 1815 he was appointed the first Surveyor General of India, a post he held till his death in 1821. He embarked on collecting local histories and surveying historic sites in order to better understand India’s past and make governance of the colony easier. He says that “it struggled long under the miseries of bad management … before the South came under the benign influence of the British government”. By studying Vijayanagara, Mackenzie believed that the East India Company could gain “much useful information on many of these institutions, laws and customs whose influence still prevails among the various Tribes of Natives forming the general mass of the population to this day”.
1. Who was Colin Mackenzie?
a. Governor General of India
b. An archaeologist
c. A Foreign Trader
d. An engineer, surveyor and cartographer
Ans: D
2. Who was the first Surveyor General of India ?
a. Colin Mackenzie
b. Alexander Connigham
c. Sir John Marshell
d. Domingo Paes
Ans: A
3. By what name is the Vijayanagara capital presently known?
a. Vijayanagar
b. Hampi
c. Shomoga
d. kishkindha
Ans: B.
4. What is McKenzie known for?
a. He was famous as an engineer, surveyor and cartographer
b. In 1815 he was appointed the first Surveyor General of India
c. He discovered Hampi ruin .
d. All of the above
Ans: D
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