Saturday, 12 September 2020



36. "sign " is wrong. It should be "signature".

37. "greeting" is wrong as noun, it should be "greetings".

38. "surrounding" is wrong as noun , it should be "surroundings".

39. " blotting" is not used, it should be "blotting paper".

40. "menkind" is wrong, it should be " mankind".

41. "study" is wrong as noun, it should be "studies".

42. "thank" is wrong as noun,  it should be "thanks".

43. "companionship" is wrong, it should be "company"

44. "ground" is wrong as purchasing or selling thing,it should be "a plot of ground".

45. "curd" is not use, it should be "curds".

46. " family member" is not used, it should be "the member of the family".

47. "copy" is wrong as noun, it should be "copy book or note book".

48. "earning" is wrong as noun, it should be "earnings".

49. "picture" is wrong as cinema, it should be "pictures".

50. "talky" is not used, it should be "talkies".

51. "movie" is not used, it should be "movies".

52. " clothing" is not used, it should be "clothings".

53. "Annal " is wrong, it should be "annals".

54. "doing" is wrong as noun, it should be "doings".(कृति,रचना)

55. "vegetable" is not used, it should be "vegetables".

56. "inning" is wrong, it should be "innings".

57. " nuptial" is wrong , it should be "nuptials".(शादी )

58. "wedding" is wrong, it should be "weddings/weds".

59. "odd" is not used as noun, it should be "odds".(अवसर )

60. " theatre" is not used in general form, it should be be "plays"

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